What does it mean to self-reflect? Is it a mental calculation of where you are in life, how you have treated yourself and others? Is it a reflection of your physical appearance?
Self-reflection can be many things. Seeing yourself from the inside out. Seeing your own soul through your eyes. It is not in a mental thinking way, but in a heart centered way. Look deep within your energetic heart center. See the Star Spark that was you before this lifetime in a physical body. See what you have come here to be.
Ah ha! Are you getting stuck in that mental space of what we have been programmed to see in ourselves…? Beauty, physical appearance, how much we’ve given to others or have not, the way we “should” behave and feel. Programs, those are different from the original souls quest in a physical body. Those are things we’ve picked up along the journey that we agreed to try on. Then we forget to connect back to our soul. What we REALLY are, what is truth.
Connect back to yourself through your soul. See the love that is there. See the gratitude for yourself and all that you have endured and accomplished to get this far. There is so much love in there for yourself. So much more than you can imagine! We get separate from that inner truth and love for ourselves by the perceived truth. The truth that is disguised through false assumptions and expectations. If you really listen to yourself and the minute communications around you. You will hear, see, and feel the truth within you.
Self-reflection on the truth. What is your true soul saying and showing you? What do you see in your soul when you self-reflect? LOVE is there, so much LOVE! Focus on that. The more you do, the more truth will be seen. The more others will be true to themselves too.
So Much Love to you in your journey.